05 February 2010

Telling Stories.

"Story-telling is dependent on memory,
and is itself a way of remembering essential
to being and remaining human.
That is why we keep diaries
and treasure photographs of significant moments
that document the stages on our life's journey,
bringing into focus people we love and respect,
and recalling them in ways that help us savour the past in the present.
That is why remembering the past rightly by a nation
in search of a better future
is so fundamental,
and why the suppression of such memories is so dangerous.
Stories evoke hope, whether personal or communal,
without which we cannot be truly human.
Thus story-telling links memory and expectation
in a way that helps make sense
of the present."

--John W. de Gruchy, Confessions of a Christian Humanist, p. 7.

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