06 April 2009

She started a trend in P.4...


1st Apirl 2009

Dear Aunt Nakaweesi I like you so mach your the one who my best teacher more than the all teachers pleaSe Aunt Nakaweesi I thank you for the work you have done. I am bistebing you in Is time please May God bess you. I am Najjemba Dorothy. Please Aunt kristina The word measure means What. Thank you Aunt kristina I will buing for you gifts for making happy you makeing happy like giveing stickers. you not give me sticks You can see I like so murch. You have good stickers.


--Najjemba Dorothy, Primary 4, English Homework book, 01-04-09



Dear Aunt Kristina thank you For giving me homework.

I am Nakayondo Rose for me to morrow I given you 4 over cados.

--Nakayondo Rose, Primary 4, English Homework book, 01-04-09



I like Aunt Kristina so much because she give me stickers. God gives anything you want. God bress you.

--Kasozi Swaibu, Primary 4, English book, 01-04-09



Thank you Aunt kristina for came at St Jude Junior school Thank Aunt kristina for giving the sticker Aunt Nakaweesi you have been Teach as Thank Aunt Nakaweesi on Friday I am going to bring for you the passon fruit.

--Namyalo Molly, Primary 4, English Homework book, 01-04-09



Aunt Nakaweesi Kristina the word Debating means what?

Dear aunt kristina thank you to given me Home work I am NakaFeero maddie in primary Four.

--Nakafeero Maddie, Primary 4, English Homework book, 01-04-09



Thank you for shaive for my hair.

Thank you Aunt AUNT Nakaweesi kristin for given me stickers.

What is you father, mother's name them. Write for me. ______________

--Nankya Victoria, Primary 4, English Homework book, 01-04-09



Dear Aunt kristina I am also happy beaue my Mother and my father is also happy because you teaching me good work. God blees you too. My book is got losst.

--Nambooze Maria, Primary 4, English Homework book, 03-04-09.



Thank you Aunt Kristina for coming at St. Jude Junior shool, thank you for teaching us good English, I am very happy because it is very easy now. Good night, God bless you.

--Nabukeera Gonzaga, Primary 4, English Homework book, 03-04-09.



Please read.

I wan't to great you and Aunt Emily and My name is Carol and I am 10 year old I live at Butale i Thank you to come on ST Jude Junior school God bless you and Au'nt Emily and at night bless you avery day night.

And I want you when Iam going at home to give me questions and do at home.

I Thank to Aunt Emily and Aunt kristina because the mothe of Aunt Emily is called babulra and your groundmother is called Carol and God bless yo and your friends.

--Nakwana Carol, Primary 4, English Homework book, 03-04-09.

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

What a gift you have been to your students and what a gift they have been to you. What a year you are having as you teach and learn "under the African Skies".

Miss you!