My back is slightly sunburnt from washing clothes in a tank top yesterday morning. I'm too brown to see any pink, but it hurts a bit. It doesn't both me much, just a presence. I laugh to think how strange I'll if I put on shorts or a bathing suit when I go back to the states. Arms and back as brown as genetically possible, but such pale legs, especially above the calves. And my stomach--even I am sometimes amazed when I see it next to my arms in the mirror!
Maama and the boys--Simanda and God in particular--were teasing me quite a bit today about finding a man to bring and I marry him. They said that since I now know how to cook, to peel, to dig, to sew, to wash, that it is time for me to get married. Good-natured teasing--I don't mind it. Maama keeps wondering when I will produce. She had more than one child at this age. How much will she worry a few years from now when I'm still single and childless? I promised to bring any fiance to meet her, whatever his skin colour or citizenship. I don't know whether I prefer when they tease me about getting married or when they tease me about becoming a nun.
Dear Jay, I don't think I'm your eccentric young advisee any more. Young, yes. Eccentric, always. Appreciating your insights into life, of course. But I'm growing up now, subtly becoming more "adult." It's difficult to describe--maybe a greater sense of peace and ease with who I am, where I am, and where life is taking me. It still comes only in bits and pieces, but at times, it is there. This intuitive mellow confidence that helps me stride into the world as "adult" and "teacher." Even so, I miss hanging out in your office and trying, again, to explain my latest ridiculous decision. I promise to visit soon.
I made a skirt for Brendah today. Not quite from scratch, but almost. An old uniform of Hafisah's, too short for either of the girls and quite ragged. I made it a knee-length skirt--added a drawstring, pocket, and short slits at either knee. She likes it. I'm glad.
I miss running. I'll start again when I go home in July. Then continue when I come back to Gulu. I think it's too late to add to my list of muzungu eccentricities here in Bukoto.
I asked Maama today what "remembrance" I should leave here at home. It was she who suggested I plant a tree at St Jude, which I want to talk to the Headmaster about when we begin next term. She also said a tree for here--a mango, near the kitchen. I'll talk to Taata about it soon. It's probably too late to plant now--the rains seem to be ending. I may have to leave the money and let them plant during the next rainy season. We'll see. It's hard to talk about such things because I don't want to think about leaving.
79 days until Em and I travel. I just counted. It feels like forever. It feels like no time at all. Bittersweet, even in anticipation.
15 years ago
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