09 October 2009

Africana Studies Symposium

Today, I attended some of the presentations of the first annual Africana Studies Symposium at James Madison University here in Harrisonburg (YAY for living in a college town and getting to go to amazing FREE/cheap events!). Not yet to the point of posting my actual thoughts/reflections about any of the talks, but here are some quotes that are hanging out in my head...
"The people who are most affected by global warming are the ones least responsible." -Dr. Jennifer Coffman, JMU
"Our history has not been written." --Stephanie Mireku, JMU, sharing the reflections of Zimbabwean youth currently living in the US
"One could tell the history of civilisation in two stories: ... one, of a stranger who comes to town, ... and two, of someone who goes on a journey." --Dr. Patrick Dikirr, Binghamton University
"We know a lot more about how to start a war than resolve one." --Terry Beitzel, JMU
There is more at stake in the telling of traditional stories than an unbiased presentation of history or an "abstract view of truth." --Professor Isidore Okpewho, Binghamton University

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